February 24, 2021

Fraud Alert - Chiriac

Mihai Valentin CHIRIAC


Last known address was 19 Atkinson Street, Peterborough, PE1 5HW

Please can you check to see if you have any accounts for this subject? If any are identified, could you please check theaccount for contact information (mobile and email) and address and for anything that might assist us in locating him. Ifthere is IP data available please could you let us know of its existence by not send it to as at this stage?

Mr Chiriac is currently wanted in Germany for organised acquisitive crime.

Signed: D Stevenson Shoulder No.: 191930 Date: 23/02/2021Print Name: DC David STEVENSON Post: Financial Intelligence Officer (NCA accredited)BOCU/Dept. Address: Sensitive Intelligence Unit, C301 Cobalt Square, 1 South Lambeth Road, London, SW8 1SUPhone: 07584332419 Fax: Email: david.m.stevenson@met.police.uk

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